Just a quick update. I will be out of town and out of communication for about 2 weeks. To my SLAMOnline partners in crime, I just didn't want you guys to think I forgot about you. Or got locked up or had Sam and Lang cut my connection to the SLAM site permanently. I'll be around every now and then to see who's running their mouths about me while I'm away, but to the people who have love for me and I have right back, I know you'll put those fire's out for me. Well, at least I hope you will. I'll be in the New York City/New Jersey area visiting family, friends and good food for the first time since the birth of my son. I'll be all over the place up there. I'll miss my daily conversations with everyone around the country and the globe (hi Izzo, Tariq, Hisham, etc.)but I'll be up and running with you guys in full-court press mode on 10/22. Look for your boy to return with NY/NJ swagger in full-tilt mode for a long Heat season. Be safe and talk with you soon. Eboy.
BTW, that's my Simpson's image that the SLAM guys turned us on to. I take credence in the fact that I make Ryan Jones look like dogshit, BTW!!!!! It's all love, Jones.
Bring me somethin back.
Missing you over at SLAM already Eboy....Check in with us soon. :)
I'll never be serious,it's not in my nature bu seeing as there is basketball being played I might aswell talk about it.I'm pretty sure you were the only one who actually got the newsletter-I didn't even get it myself-had to get it forwarded.
I still love you, Izzo. And I really liked the newsletter piece. Dirk + Kobe could equal BIG problems for the rest of the West if it goes down.
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